Monday, August 18, 2014

The saga of B3: part 1

Today Mr. Borras and I reconfigured B3 in order to make it more like a computer lab. There's an incredible amount of extraneous garbage accumulated over the past decade and a half, and we weren't able to get rid of much of that, but we started. Most of our time was devoted to rearranging the tables to make a few different rows of computers rather than the cluster that was there already. We also took first steps to set up our mismatched set of Smart UF55 projector and Hitachi FX-DUO-77 Starboard. The Smart Board works well, but the projector might have some issues; it shuts off randomly every 20 minutes or so. The SmartTech people said we need to clean the color wheel. Also, we'll have to mount it all. Ken will help with that. I've ordered some stuff to connect all the computers, and hope to do more set up late this week or early next week.

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